Theresa Mazoyo
Theresa Mazoyo is a seasoned banker with extensive experience spanning over three decades. Prior to founding WASAA Zimbabwe, she was the Executive Director (Treasury and Corporate Banking) with the Agricultural Development Bank of Zimbabwe (Agribank).
Mazoyo sits on a number of boards, including FBC Bank. She served as a Management Committee Member of the Zimbabwe Agricultural Development Trust, a fund targeted for rural farmers and funded by the Danish Development Agency (DANIDA), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Hivos (a development aid organization headquartered in The Netherlands) and the Department for International Development (DFID) of the British Government.
She is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Secretary and Administrators, and has a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Zimbabwe.
Mazoyo recently graduated with a diplomas in Ministry and Theology, from Living Waters Theological Seminary in Harare, Zimbabwe. Moyo has a passion for working with women, especially those in the rural areas.