Lucia Mwanyisa


Lucia Mwanyisa is a development practitioner with more than 23 years experience in project management, food security and livelihoods. She is well-versed in agriculture, community based development, drought mitigation and smallholder livestock commercialization.

Lucia has risen through the ranks to become of the LEAD senior managers. Currently, she serves as the REGIONAL AREA MANAGER for the Matabeleland provinces. During her 7 years with LEAD, Lucia has managed multi-million dollar projects funded by the EU and FAO which improved vulnerable people’s livelihoods, incomes and their food security status.

The program did this by promoting smallholder livestock commercialization, improving market access, promoting Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) such as soil and water conservation as well as promoting income generating projects among farmer groups.

Lucia is driven by a desire to make a difference in agricultural development aimed at uplifting the livelihoods of the most vulnerable group of people.