Kumbirayi Zhemi


Kumbirayi Zhemi is a humanitarian development specialist with over 8 years of experience working in in Zimbabwe and the Southern African region. He has expertise in managing emergency, relief, recovery and developmental programmes focusing on and not limited to health, nutrition, food security and livelihoods, agriculture (sustainable production within the global climate change agenda), agro-enterprise (market-oriented approaches), value chain development and Cash Transfers Programming (CTP). He works as the monitoring and evaluation specialist for LEAD where he leads the design of resullts- oriented M&E systems, databases, staff capacity building in M&E, proposal development and report writing. He has worked for other humanitarian organisations that include, the Zimbabwe Red Cross, UNICEF and has worked closely with different donor organizations including USAID, DFID, FAO, WFP, IFRC, AusAID, EU, ECHO and UNICEF. Kumbirayi holds an Msc in Agricultural and Applied Economics, a Bsc in Nutrition and is currently studying for an MBA degree.