The Health & Nutrition Programme which is funded by WFP focuses on nutritional rehabilitation for individual patients by providing them with a monthly 10kg ration of Super, Cereal (a fortified food supplement served as porridge). The patient’s household is provided with a monthly food basket which contains a ration of 10kg cereal, 0.6kg
vegetable oil and 1.8kg pulses per each household member.
The objective of the programme are to
This programme is linked to other food security and livelihoods programmes implemented by LEAD.
The program’s goal is to sustainably reduce rural poverty, improve food security, nutrition and hygiene for 3,500 households on irrigation schemes in Natural Regions III, IV and V and for 25,000 households on dry land sites in Natural Region III. These are to be achieved through training to increase agricultural productivity, increase volume of marketed surplus of cash and food crops; and improve nutrition and hygiene of beneficiary households. Activities implemented are embedded in three interlinked core components supported by three crossing-cutting sub-components.
Component III (Nutrition and Hygiene) is cross-cutting focusing on increasing consumption of diverse diets that provide acceptable nutrition for pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children within the first 1000 days and promoting recommended hygiene practices.