Dr. Jacqualine Mutambara
An agricultural economist by profession and a holder of a PhD in agricultural economics. Dr Mutambara has 17 years of working experience in her field of study with public institutions (Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Zimbabwe) and development organizations.
She was the Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension at the University of Zimbabwe from 2010-2014. Currently, she is a senior lecturer in the same department.
Dr Mutambara is well experienced in the following areas: research, extension and teaching in agricultural policy analysis, rural development, agribusiness, operations management, agricultural trade and marketing.
She has worked with a number of developmental organizations, namely USAID, Global Water Partnership (GWP) Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), LEAD Trust, Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP), USAID-Zimbabwe Agricultural Competitiveness Program (Zim-ACP), Imani Development, Weidemann Associates, ECIA-FRICA, Kenya Agricultural Research and Livestock Organization (KALRO) and USAID Strategic Economic Research and Analysis (SERA) Zimbabwe Program as a technical expert.