Farmers at Zimunda irrigation scheme set to increase income from tomato production through FTFZ-CD market linkages
Best Fruit Processors contracted 46 farmers (26 females and 20 males) to grow 0.25 ha each of tomatoes at Zimunda irrigation scheme in Manicaland. FTFZ-CD facilitated farmers access input loans worth US$60,473.74 in total from Lion Finance with each farmer receiving US$1,314.64. The loan comprised inputs of 8.9 tons compound C and 1.65 tons of AN fertilizers supplied by MFS input suppliers. The loan also included 334,500 seedlings worth US$14,383.50 for 11.5 hectares where each farmer has an average of about 7,270 plants per 0.25 hectares. Each farmer expectsto harvest 20 tonsfrom their 0.25 hectares plot. Best Fruit Processors will pay $150/ton. On average, each farmer expects a gross income of US$3,000 and a net income of $1,586 after deducting production cost of $1,414.00.
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