Virginia Sibanda is a co-founder of VIRL Microfinance Zimbabwe which commenced operations in 2010 and is its current Chief Executive Officer (CEO). This is a profit making venture with a particular focus on bringing financial solutions to the marginalized communities as a serious business proposition rather than adopting a social responsibility angle. She is the past vice chairperson of Zimbabwe Association of Microfinance Institutions (ZAMFI) in Zimbabwe which is the APEX body for all microfinance institutions in the country. She is also a past chairperson of the Steering Committee set up to come with the Credit Providers Association of Zimbabwe which is seeking to rationalize credit information sharing for better credit risk management.
Prior to this she was the Managing Director of MicroKing Savings and Credit Company (Private) Limited, which used to be one of the biggest microfinance institutions in Zimbabwe. She has worked in various capacities in Barclays Bank, but had a particular interest in developing small business and was the Branch Manager of the Small Business Unit.
Sibanda is a holder of a Master of Business Administration degree. She has attended the International Leadership Visitors Program sponsored by USAID and was part of 21 women from different countries that visited USA for a women entrepreneurship program.